Docker Containerising a Node Express App If you need an example application to use try this Simple JSON API In this basic example of how to containerize a node express app we will use Docker. It is assumed that that you have a working express application that you are ready to put into a container for
Node Simple JSON API using Express Express is a very popular web framework for Node JS which is a javascript runtime built on Chrome's V8 javascript engine. Node can run on Windows, Mac or Linux and so can be used on your web server. If you are new to Express, this is for you. Basic knowledge
Docker Installing Docker on Ubuntu Server What is Docker? According to Wikipedia Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from each other and contain their own software and configuration files. Containers are able to communitcate through private networks setup
C++ Working with the Win32 API Main Window Requirements Window Procedure Function Main Window Function Window Class (not a c++ class) Message Loop Resource file (optional) The windows API uses a LOT of preprocessor instructions to modify function definitions that can be very confusing at first. Also most of the interactions with the API will be
Geometry Three Dimensional Vectors 3D graphics requires points in three dimensional space expressed as x y z There are a number of different possible orientations in a Cartesian coordinate system, however converting between different systems is reasonably straight forward. A simple Vector3 class is all that is required to get started. Example code will